Evolving Skies Most Valuable Cards in 2024 (Ranked)
Pokemon’s Scarlet and Violet’s set named ‘Evolving Skies’ has some of the most treasured and difficult cards to obtain to date.
This set has exploded in pricing over the past few years. Booster boxes are currently around $400 USD. Dubbed “Eevee Heroes”, the Japanese version is about the same price.
However, the Japanese version of the ever elusive Umbreon Vmax Alt Art (Moonbreon) is far more expensive than the English card.
The top 10 most expensive Evolving Skies Pokemon cards are: Umbreon Vmax (Alt. Art), Rayquaza Vmax (Alt. Art), Leafeon Vmax (Alt. Art), Glaceon Vmax (Alt. Art) , Sylveon Vmax (Alt. Art), Dragonite V (Alt. Full Art), Rayquaza V (Alt. Full Art), Umbreon V (Alt. Full Art), Espeon V (Alt. Full Art), Glaceon V (Alt. Full Art).
Table of Contents
#10 Glaceon V (Alt. Full Art)

Glaceon V (Alt. Full Art) features this Eevee evolution lying on the log in the snow. Narumi Sato draws this Pokemon hanging out on the bench and basking in some fresh powder.
Card Number / Rarity: 175/203 / Ultra Rare
Current Market Price: $53.72.
Buy the card here
If you were to play this card in the Pokémon Trading Card Game, use Glaceon to evolve itself with it’s own attack ‘Frozen Awakening’ and discard opponents stadiums while attacking for 120 HP with ‘Heavy Snow’.
#9 Espeon V (Alt. Full Art)

Drawing over 90 cards for The Pokémon Company, the artist known as ‘Sowsow’ created a stunning image of Espeon V using its telepathic mind to move books around a library.
Card Number / Rarity: 180/203 / Ultra Rare
Current Market Price: $66.60
Buy the card here.
If you were to play this card in the Trading Card Game, use ‘Zen shot’ to do 60 damage to your opponent’s bench Pokemon.
#8 Umbreon V (Alt. Full Art)

Artist Teeziro captures Umbreon staring down a set of stairs in a staggering and confident posture. This dark card is a personal favorite because of the yellow used when highlighting Umbreon’s markings.
Card Number / Rarity: 189/203 / Ultra Rare
Current Market Price: $87.49
Buy the card here.
If you were to play this card in the Pokémon Trading Card Game, use ‘Mean Look’ to attack for 30 hp and don’t allow your opponent’s next Pokemon to retreat.
#7 Rayquaza V (Alt. Full Art)

Artist Ryuta Fuse draw’s a captivating Ray-Ray flying in a blue sky with Pokemon Character Zinnia looking away. She is a Draconoid trainer that tried to summon Rayquaza in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. There’s another Pokemon on the card, Whismur! She calls this Pokemon Aster and never uses it against you in the final battle on the Sky Pillar.
Card Number / Rarity:194/203 / Ultra Rare
Current Market Price: $71.34
Buy the card here.
If you were to play this card in the Pokémon Trading Card Game, have a lot of energy in your deck so that you may discard 2 energies and do 100 hp damage to your opponent.
#6 Dragonite V (Alt. Full Art)

Sleepy boi Dragonite is yawning in the clouds. It’s probably one of the cutest chase cards you collect! Look closely as you can see a flock of Spearow underneath. Is this the Best-Looking Dragonite Card ever produced? Some might say so.
Card Number / Rarity:192/203 / Ultra Rare
Current Market Price: $95.78
Buy it here.
If you were to play this card in the Pokémon Trading Card Game, beware of the 20 damage your Pokemon take while doing 250 hp damage to your opponent.
#5 Sylveon VMAX Alt Art

Pink! Sylveon VMAX is standing tall with cameos by Vaporeon, Flabebe, and Marshadow. I think there’s a Kangaskhan along with multiple Eevees. My wife loves this Pokemon card art, for good reason! Artist Taira Akitsu really did a detailed job on this card.
Card Number / Rarity:212/203 / Secret Rare
Current Market Price: $135.15
Buy it here.
If you were to play this card in the Pokemon TCG, use only one psychic energy to attach to your benched Pokemon, then heal 120hp from that Pokemon.
#4 Glaceon VMAX Alt Art

Who doesn’t love a card featuring Pikachu? This epic artwork features yet another Glaceon on this list. Artist kirisAKI drew so many full art trainers for The Pokemon Company that it’s hard to keep track of. However, this special Pokemon card has a humungous Glaceon that the community loves.
Card Number / Rarity:209/203 / Secret Rare
Current Market Price: $148.91
Buy it here.
If you were to play this card in the Pokemon TCG, use Glaceon’s ability that prevents all damage done to this Pokemon from the opponent’s Pokemon Vmax, except any Glaceon VMAX.
#3 Leafeon Vmax Alt Art

More giant Pokemon, please. This Leafeon is seen rolling hay and helping its trainer complete daily tasks. The highlights of pink on this Pokemon really make it stand out. Hyogonosuke is the artist of this drawing and gave this paint-like drawing a burst of life.
Card Number / Rarity:205/203 / Secret Rare
Current Market Price: $172.37
Buy it here.
If you were to place this card in the Trading Card Game, don’t forget to heal this Pokemon 30 hp damage each time you attack for 170 HP.
#2 Rayquaza Vmax Alt Art

The first Legendary Dragon-type Pokémon is #2 on this list but #1 in my heart. There isn’t much more to say but when Anesaki Dynamic drew this card, they drew a drawing weaving in and out of the forest. How they captured this is mindboggling.
Card Number / Rarity:218/203 / Secret Rare
Current Market Price: $247.38
Buy it here.
If you were to play this card in the Pokemon TCG, load up on energies. Then, do insane damage as you discard energies for 80 hp for each energy discarded.
#1 Umbreon Vmax Alt Art

The Evolving Skies card that everyone is looking for. This incredible art features Umbreon reaching for the moon, dubbing it’s nickname as “Moonbreon.” Keeichiro Ito created the most valuable card in the Sword & Shield era. The second Umbreon to show on this list, instantly became a fan favorite.
Card Number / Rarity:215/203 / Secret Rare
Current Market Price: $539.81
Buy it here.
If you’re going to play this card in the Trading Card Game…Don’t. Save it, get it graded, and admire its beauty because it is one of the most expensive cards in Pokemon.
Alternate Art cards are rare and expensive. Arguably, they are some of the most beautiful and most costly cards in the set. They are extremely coveted cards making their value sky high. Pulling these cards from booster packs is rare. Evolving Skies is known for poor pull rates.