Last Updated on June 22, 2023 by dashespoke
Pokémon energy cards are a dime a dozen… free!
Most trading card stores will give you many basic energy cards for free.
However, you may be surprised that some energy cards are worth a few dollars or a few hundred dollars!
Energy Pokemon Card Value
Some very specific Pokémon energy cards have value. However, your basic everyday energy cards are probably worth less than $0.01. You have to have the right ones. In this article, I will explain which energy cards hold value and which ones don’t.
Energy cards are most useful in the Pokémon trading card game. However, many collectors will save the fancier energy cards.
Rare energy cards come listed as a “Secret Rare card.” They can be gold, have vibrant colors, or textured designs, making them highly desirable for Pokémon collectors.
Introduction to Gold Energy Cards
In 2013, Pokémon introduced gold energy cards.
Every single booster pack contains one guaranteed energy card. However, booster packs that contain a ‘secret rare energy card’ are difficult to obtain.
Most collectors will gravitate towards energy cards because of their dual purpose. Pokémon energy cards combine both collectibility and functionality.
A player’s deck may contain rare energy cards in an effort to enhance their gameplay experience with striking visual enhancements.
The Most Expensive Energy Card
Rare and expensive usually coincide. This definitely applies to Pokémon energy cards. Moreover, the rarest energy card is difficult to track down!

Double Colorless Energy!
During the 2016-2017 competitive season, Pokémon introduced a Reverse Holofoil Double Colorless Energy card with a “STAFF” stamp.
This Double Colorless Energy “STAFF” is known to be the most expensive energy card listed on TCGPLAYER.
However, if you’re able to find a “TOP 8” or “CHAMPION” version of the Double Colorless Energy card, you’ll be sitting on a goldmine!
In the meantime, here are the other 9 energy cards that you may have in your collection that are worth more than your basic energy cards.
#10 Psychic Energy (2011 Player Reward)

This 2011 Pokémon Play! energy card from Call of Legends was a Tier 1 player reward. The Espeon in the background was a fan favorite.
In 2023, the card has an asking price of about $43 USD.
#9 Water Energy (2011 Player Reward)

Another 2011 reward card, the Pokémon Play! energy card features Lugia in the background of a water energy. This is a personal favorite I must have in as a part of my Pokémon cards.
In 2023, the card has an asking price of about $53 USD.
#8 Psychic Energy (Call of Legends)

Very similar to #10 on the list. This psychic reverse holofoil energy edges out the Pokémon Play! psychic energy.
In 2023, the card has an asking price of about $47 USD.
#7 Darkness Energy (2011 Player Reward)

Another 2011 reward card, the Pokémon Play! energy card features the loving Umbreon in the background of a Darkness energy.
In 2023, the card has an asking price of about $50 USD.
#6 Fairy Energy (Burning Shadows, Secret Rare)

Burning Shadows wasn’t the great (nor most profitable) set. However, it won’t stop fans from loving a Pink Fairy Energy card.
In 2020, the Fairy type was discontinued in the Pokémon TCG. I anticipate because of this move; the fairy energy will only increase in value.
In 2023, the card has an asking price of about $47 USD.
#5 Multi Energy (2004 Player Reward, “Winner”)

The Multi Energy from the EX Sandstorm expansion isn’t worth but a few dollars. However, the “Winner” version of the card was a player reward during the first competitive season after Pokémon Organized Play (Play! Pokémon) took over from Wizards of the Coast in 2003.
In 2023, the card has an asking price of about $95 USD.
#4 Call Energy (2011 Player Reward)

Another energy released by Pokémon Organized Play (Play! Pokémon) was the “Call Energy.” This card was a reprint, except the new logo was printed on the card itself. The original energy card came from the set known as Majestic Dawn.
In 2023, the card has an asking price of about $45 USD.
#3 Darkness Energy (Call of Legends)

Awfully similar to the aforementioned Darkness Energy from Call of Legends, this card is just missing the Play! Pokémon stamp.
Regardless, with the ever-most popular Pokémon Umbreon, this card continues to retain its value.
In 2023, the card has an asking price of about $68 USD
#2 Darkness Energy (2003 Player Reward, “Winner”)

This Darkness energy takes the cake! From the set known as EX Ruby & Sapphire released in 2003, this “Winner” stamped version was one of the first player rewards ever printed by Play! Pokemon.
In 2023, the card has an asking price of about $68 USD
#1 Double Colorless Energy (2017 NA International Championship, Staff)

You guessed it. As previously mentioned, the Reverse holofoil Double Colorless Energy card is the winner. After all, it is more than one energy!
The North America Championships Staff energy card is an incredibly valuable energy card.
The price of this card is $130 at the time of writing.
However, if you can find a “TOP 8” or “CHAMPION” card, you are looking at a card that really has no value. This is because owners have not yet parted with this winning card.
Some energy cards are worth a few dollars or a few hundred dollars!
You may be able to find some PSA 10 energy cards listed on eBay. Some go for a few hundred, while others go for a few thousand!
The cards that I’ve listed as values for raw energy cards. If you have any of these raw cards, they may be worth sending into PSA.
Don’t forget that people love collection first edition energy cards, so keep those in pristine condition! 1st edition cards will always retain their value!